Tunnel of Bones by Victoria Schwab


Tunnel of Bones (Cassidy Blake #2) by Victoria Schwab

I wasn’t so sure about this series after reading the first installment, City of Ghosts. I loved so many things but couldn’t love the main character, Cassidy. Kind of an issue when you don’t like the main character of a series. And not in the unlikeable but actually really perfect type of way, just a meh, I could take it or leave her way. Again, not a great sign.

After reading Tunnel of Bones, I’ve realized I found a series of Victoria Schwab’s that I just can’t get behind. But that doesn’t mean others shouldn’t give it a try as Victoria Schwab is an amazing writer. Her writing is always flawless and her dark ideas and worlds are so intriguing which is also prominent in this series. Each book of hers I’ve read, even this series, is a quick and fast-paced novel that keeps you entertained from beginning to end. It might be quick, and these two books were also shorter, but there is so much packed in them you feel as if you’ve read more books than you have. Schwab’s villains are well thought out and so creative and you always get a wonderful backstory for them. In this series, I loved Schwab’s descriptions of the creepy, haunted areas of the cities; and the way she tells the ghost stories add to the haunted atmosphere and world-building.

However as much as I love many things in this series, I just cannot connect with Cassidy, or Cass. This book of the series was able to dive in a bit more with character development since the world and backstory was well explained in the first book. Cass’s ghost friend Jacob and some of the other characters got even better this book and made me so happy. However, something about Cass just bothers me. I’m not sure if it’s her naivete or the fact it’s focused on a middle school audience but I found myself frustrated by her one two many times.

Since I have severe FOMO about not finishing books, I have a feeling I will come back to this series eventually. However right now I’m calling a time out on Cassidy Blake and am going to focus on other Schwab books instead.

Synopsis: Trouble is haunting Cassidy Blake . . . even more than usual. She (plus her ghost best friend, Jacob, of course) are in Paris, where Cass's parents are filming their TV show about the world's most haunted cities.

When Cass accidentally awakens a frighteningly strong spirit, she must rely on her still-growing skills as a ghosthunter -- and turn to friends both old and new to help her unravel a mystery. But time is running out, and the spirit is only growing stronger.