The Book of Meadow

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Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson

Words of Radiance (The Stormlight Archice #2) by Brandon Sanderson

This was a wonderful sequel/second installment for the Stormlight Archive series. The first book truly set-up the fantasy world Sanderson had created so there were some slower moments. This book didn’t have any dull moments in my opinion. It was filled with wonderful action scenes and amazing character development for each of our main characters.

Once again, Kaladin is my favorite character of this series so far. We learned most of his background in the first book, so this book really just focuses on his current predicaments. His character develops so much more and has intense highs and lows. The majority of the most epic moments in this book are due to his actions and are amazing to read. There is a large focus on his struggle with his prejudice against light-eyes and how it effects his powers and the relationships with Dalinar and Shallan.

I didn’t really like Shallan in the first book mostly because her sections were a bit boring. However, this book gives her so much more depth and an exciting storyline. She has funny moments and proves her intelligence but also shows courage when going against some of the ideals she holds most dear. You also get a deeper dive into her past which sheds more light on her character and the reason behind some of her actions.

Dalinar and especially his sons get deeper storylines as well. I was so glad to see more of Renarin, especially with his scenes with Kaladin. Dalinar becomes a bit more ruthless to unify the kingdom. And Adolin has a lot more depth where you can see his loyalty to his family and the lengths he will go for them or his people. Then, some of the interludes and different point of views are from the Parshendi side which added a new layer to the war and history.

It’s hard to remember what I can say to not spoil anything as the 1,100 pages have blurred a bit, but highly suggest this epic fantasy so far and can’t wait to get to the next one.

Synopsis: Expected by his enemies to die the miserable death of a military slave, Kaladin survived to be given command of the royal bodyguards, a controversial first for a low-status "darkeyes." Now he must protect the king and Dalinar from every common peril as well as the distinctly uncommon threat of the Assassin, all while secretly struggling to master remarkable new powers that are somehow linked to his honorspren, Syl.

The Assassin, Szeth, is active again, murdering rulers all over the world of Roshar, using his baffling powers to thwart every bodyguard and elude all pursuers. Among his prime targets is Highprince Dalinar.

Brilliant but troubled Shallan strives along a parallel path. Despite being broken in ways she refuses to acknowledge, she bears a terrible burden: to somehow prevent the return of the legendary Voidbringers and the civilization-ending Desolation that will follow. The secrets she needs can be found at the Shattered Plains, but just arriving there proves more difficult than she could have imagined.

Meanwhile, at the heart of the Shattered Plains, the Parshendi are making an epochal decision. Hard pressed by years of Alethi attacks, their numbers ever shrinking, they are convinced by their war leader, Eshonai, to risk everything on a desperate gamble with the very supernatural forces they once fled. The possible consequences for Parshendi and humans alike, indeed, for Roshar itself, are as dangerous as they are incalculable.