The Book of Meadow

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The Princess Bride by William Goldman

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

I don't know why it took me so long to read this book. I love the movie, will always be one of my favorites but it took me a while to realize it was also a book. Finally, I got myself to read it and I'm just angry I didn't read it earlier.

This book is perfect, just like the movie. The right amount of comedy, cleverness, some love, and also adventure. All the characters are so unique and you get so invested in each one. Also, I know this is the abridged version, but Goldman did a great job keeping so much of this book in the movie that it was so great to read a book after the movie and not feel jipped with the movie adaptation.

I also really enjoyed Goldman's additions, each time his voice came back into the book flowed perfectly with Morgenstern's voice as well. It made Morgenstern's declaration of "a classic tale" even more poignant since it obviously had an effect on Goldman and now can have an effect on future generations in a more modern way of reading it while still keeping that old feel.

Synopsis: What happens when the most beautiful girl in the world marries the handsomest prince of all time and he turns out to be...well...a lot less than the man of her dreams? William Goldman has reconstructed the S. Morgenstern classic, The Princess Bride. What's it about? Fencing. Fighting. True Love. Strong Hate. Harsh Revenge. A Few Giants. Lots of Bad Men. Lots of Good Men. Five or Six Beautiful Women. Beasties Monstrous and Gentle. Some Swell Escapes and Captures. Death, Lies, Truth, Miracles, and a Little Sex. In short, it's about everything.

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